Ya gotta love Blog Spammers!
I really loved this one. Get out the dictionary, folks!
You’ll also need your grammar and logic suspension medications, too!
(Oh, this will probably prompt more spam. Bugger.)
One Alleged Comment:
“Innovative, they studied to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the action gap to wind-up piracy. As an prerogative, it’s to skiff something flaunt than piracy. Like ingenuousness of use. It’s indubitably a huge numbers easier to utter iTunes than to search the Internet with risk of malware and then crappy character, but if people are expected to surrejoinder an lustfulness to loads and weather sadness of to against ages, it’s not bourgeoning to work. They exactly would passively use a squat without dally if ever people cut software and Cobweb sites that direct it ridiculously tranquilly to picaroon, and up the quality. If that happens, then there isle of man deemster be no stopping piracy. But they’re too circumspect and horrified of losing. Risks suffer with to be enraptured!”
I mean, how could anyone mistake.. really… seriously…