When did the History Channel and The Learning Channel become NOT about History and NOT about Learning?
I am not happy about this. The reason we are charged untold amounts monthly to get cable is because we have so many channels. We are told that we need to pay this so that the content creators can make these programs. Nevermind that they are still loaded (20% of the total time perhaps) with commercials! Seriously? Ad revenue PLUS subscription revenue? When does enough boil down to enough already? How much does it take to stick a few of those remote cameras in a tractor-trailer cab, or a boat, or a frat house? You have the bald faced gaul to call this programming?
And then, you Cable guys have the nerve to keep increasing rates while compressing the feed so much that it can be unwatchable? Shame on you.
It is bad enough that most folks don’t even have options for non-over-the-air TV, but that you nickle and dime it to absolute death, and often blame the user for problems. Like the wrong cable connector. Well, YOU were the ones who installed the frigging thing the LAST time you were here! A pox on your house, really.
The whole thing is a scam, if you ask me.