False naming on TV

When did the History Channel and The Learning Channel become NOT about History and NOT about Learning?

I am not happy about this. The reason we are charged untold amounts monthly to get cable is because we have so many channels. We are told that we need to pay this so that the content creators can make these programs. Nevermind that they are still loaded (20% of the total time perhaps) with commercials! Seriously? Ad revenue PLUS subscription revenue? When does enough boil down to enough already? How much does it take to stick a few of those remote cameras in a tractor-trailer cab, or a boat, or a frat house? You have the bald faced gaul to call this programming?

And then, you Cable guys have the nerve to keep increasing rates while compressing the feed so much that it can be unwatchable? Shame on you.

It is bad enough that most folks don’t even have options for non-over-the-air TV, but that you nickle and dime it to absolute death, and often blame the user for problems. Like the wrong cable connector. Well, YOU were the ones who installed the frigging thing the LAST time you were here! A pox on your house, really.

The whole thing is a scam, if you ask me.


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I was bored


Option One

Think grisly woodcutter?

Option Two

I was bored, so I made these two logo thingies.

Let me know whether you like either of them.

I am hunkering down in Hurricane Earl mode, which should get in right about time for me to leave work tomorrow. In my two-month-old new car. Crap. Hope no trees fall on it while I am driving. And it will be covered in leaf and other debris by the time I get home. Stupid day job…

Hurricane Gloria (1985) was destructive. Totaled one of our cars by tossing a huge tree part on it.

Hurricane Bob (1991) might have been pretty bad too, but I was in Houston, so I have no idea how bad itreally was.


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An ‘Easy’ commute

This morning’s commute was interesting.

A Friday’s trip to work is normally almost a breeze during summer. Today could have been.
First, got behind a landscaper with a big truck also towing a trailer. Wouldn’t do better than 15 – 20mph and never heard of right-on-red. [Aside: I worked with a Chinese lady who was convinced there was a LEFT-on-red.] They also decided to replace a telephone pole just past that right turn, during rush hour, so that didn’t help. The rest of the drive went very well for a change, but once I got close to work there was another construction detour. Off we go into who knows what. Well, what is a major cluster. I did finally manage to work through that mess, including the bozo who went barreling down in the on-coming lane to make the same left that I was waiting patiently to do but I was waiting for those who were trying to make the left. Moron. Yes, it was a big honking SUV. Ford Enormous, or Cadillac Escalate, or something. It is a good thing I have no weapons mounted (yet) on my car. While this idiot was stuck on the wrong side of the road because someone was coming out of it and now had to back up, I slipped through, and found a new ‘shortcut’ option. Then of course I got near work, where there are even more detours. Finally, I made it to the parking lots, which again are ‘Under Construction’, and made it past the washed out parts and turned towards the area where I normally park to find my path blocked by…


They don’t really care that you are heading at them with almost 2 tons of machine. They MIGHT move a bit, and they WILL be put-out about it.

I have had to wait for Wild Turkeys, too, during my commute through some of Boston’s oldest suburbs.
This picture isn’t them, but…

At least it is Friday!



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RabidWolf – weary, beaten down, but limping along

Well, this was fun. Not.
Last year I wrestled with changing my domain registrar of 10 years, and now I canceled the old host, and after much back and forth, at least something is back at RabidWolf dot Com!

Still deciding on whether to keep rabidwolf.com alive or not.
Probably not. All it does is cost me money and time.

SOOoooo… this might be the last we will see of RabidWolf.com after next Spring (May 2011, I think).

After the time used and a $35 penalty for early closing, I could get maybe $50 back if I closed this whole thing down in the next couple of days.

I’m betting it is better to just leave it be, play with this WordPress thing for a while, and let everything just expire. After I think over 11 years, enough already!

Record created on 18-Jun-1999!

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Ciao for now.

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