Happy [Xmas] yournamehere from MegaGinormiCorp™©


I have started this as a central repository for World Domination. Unlike previous arch villains I will succeed because I have seen all the James Bond movies already!
I will now rule with an eye towards my own legacy long after I am dead and rotting in a ditch somewhere. Oh, wait, this isn’t North Korea…

In all seriousness, I see what the RIAA and MPAA as well as Conservative groups like Tea Party and their ‘Elected’ Proxies have done to this Great Country of ours. Democrat or Republican, they are all bought and paid for. Don’t even mention things like regulatory capture issues,

Dagnabit, Muskie! Let’s make it official and just acknowledge that the USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporations!

Face it, Congress is just a rubber stamp for any and all corporate needs, and the White House just bows to pressure depending on the alleged affiliation of the officeholder.

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP are laws which only the MPAA and RIAA  want, to give themselves powers that are unconstitutional, for two organizations that only represent a small fraction of this country’s business interests. These laws would most likely ruin if not kill the Internet as we know it, while at the same time be both ineffectual to their alleged purpose, only harm their own customers, and also most likely be circumvented by those they hope to stop. Grandma’s copy of a song is NOT worth $15,000.

And then there are the Republicans, who are only FOR tax cuts for the wealthy, but will fight to the death against cuts for anyone making less than $100,000/year.  There is no evidence that tax cuts for the wealthy has or have ever done anything to help the economy. And let’s pipe oil sludge through places we don’t live in and pretend it is about jobs, or something. Liars.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is allowed to put complete lies – yes LIES – in his campaign ads, and NO ONE call him on it? The rest of the herd is even worse. How scary is that?

And I’ll go with fellow MassHole Matt Damon, that President Obama has been a bit disappointing.  But then again, ALL the Democrats have been a disappointment.

“No Guts no Glory”? Perhaps but more like “Any Guts No Money”.

As an independent, which in Massachusetts is now called ‘Unenrolled”, (like we forgot or neglected to do something)  I have issues with both major parties, and also with the fringe ones. I am still waiting for adults to show up. But I’ve been waiting since 1970.


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