To Hell in a Handbasket

We are headed for Hell.
Corporations and the Asshats that run them are the great satan of our time.

I had to move my prescriptions from Walgreens because corporate greed wouldn’t let Express Scripts and Walgreens agree terms. What the hell do they care about patients, anyway?

Rite Aid’s website was a gawdawful mess, with every new page needing a yet ANOTHER new login + password set up. And then it would just claim that I’d made an error, but there was nowhere on the screen where there WAS one, or any indicator to show me. Moronic.

So I went to CVS. Better website, and acknolodged the Espress Scripts fiasco. But Transferring apparently meant refills for everything I listed. Fine, went in, stood in line, someone took my info from the prescription I needed refilled. Fine.
So now, next day – some 30 hours later – I go to CVS after work and NOTHING. Some kid on speed is being class clown – he’s working there! – and I get shuffled once he remembers, to eventually find out that a note was scribbled on the back of a form from a pad that the my refill needed Doctor approval. WTF? And no one called and it took 20 minutes and 3 people to find that I have to wait ANOTHER FUCKING DAY to refill the thing? JFC!!

Update: Even worse, they tell me they called the doctor to approve twice today (the next day) but that they didn’t get the approval. This is AFTER my call to check later where they first tell me that they don’t have me at all. So now I’m out of that medication. Also they say that all the ones they ‘transferred’ from Walgreens have no refills which is wrong. Did my attempts to use Rite Aid make this shit even worse?


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